Branding, Creative Design, Website

82% of children with a parent in prison will end up in prison themselves. One in four will drop out of school. And the prison system…is a $300 BILLION business. It’s a cycle.
Proverbs226 is an evidence-based, faith-driven, non-profit committed to healing families affected by parental incarceration. We knew from our research the stats were staggering. More importantly, we understood the need: rally children, volunteers, parents, and donors behind a common recognizable brand. We created a new logo that mirrored the Christian values and the kaleidoscope of people impacted by incarceration — and then some. We built a brand. A support system. And something to believe in. We designed and developed a new website, created donor emails, digital ads, collateral, presentations, and continue to help strategize with the amazing people involved to raise awareness and funds to educate, not incarcerate…and BREAK THE CYCLE.

100% of children who entered the program have graduated from school. 100% of incarcerated mothers have not gone back to prison. And over 1 million dollars of taxpayer money is saved for every 5 children that do not go to prison.